Tuscaloosa Recruiting Poll Workers Ahead of March’s Municipal Elections
Tuscaloosa is recruiting poll workers ahead of its March municipal elections for the city's seven city council and school board seats, the board chairmanship and the mayor's office.
In a Monday release, a City Hall spokesperson said they are seeking poll workers for Election Day, Tuesday, March 4th, 2025.
Poll workers will be needed at each of the city's seven polling places to ensure all citizens are able to vote in a free and fair election without interference or technical difficulties.

The City Clerk's Office is seeking Pollworkers who are 18 or older and registered to vote in the City of Tuscaloosa. They must also be free to attend a training event on February 19 or February 21 and available from 6 a.m. to shortly after 7 p.m. on March 4.
Poll workers may also be needed if there are any runoff elections needed - those will be held on April 1st if necessary.
Volunteers do not need any previous experience and will be trained before the elections in which they work.
The city will provide lunch for poll workers, who can apply online at elections.tuscaloosa.com. Applications are due Monday, February 17.
For more coverage of the election and the candidates running in it, stay connected to the Tuscaloosa Thread.
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Gallery Credit: (Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa Thread)
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