Glenda Webb Chosen as Northport City Administrator
In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the Northport City Council voted to hire Glenda Webb as the next City Administrator. Webb will be the first woman to serve as City Administrator.
Webb will make the transition from Tuscaloosa City Attorney to her new position within the next month. Chosen out of a pool of 35 applicants, Webb’s work as the city attorney since 2013 asserted her as the best person for the job.
“After deliberation and discussion, the council tonight voted to hire Glenda Webb, the former Tuscaloosa City Attorney, as the new Northport City Administrator,” Northport Mayor Bobby Herndon said in an interview. “This marks the first time that Northport has ever had a minority city administrator.”
The Council held a special meeting to discuss Webb’s appointment, as well as other pending litigation.
“It [the city administrator job listing] fit a lot of the skillset that I believe I have, and future goals,” Webb said. “It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
With nearly two decades of service working for the City of Tuscaloosa, Webb made lasting impacts on colleagues such as Walt Maddox.
“I have seen firsthand her strength and conviction for making a positive difference,” Maddox said in a Tweet Tuesday.