Tuscaloosa Firefighters Rescue, Revive 2 Dogs Found Unconscious in Burning Home
The Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue Service has been busy lately, successfully rescuing three dogs trapped in two separate structure fires in a seven-day period.
As the Thread previously reported, Tuscaloosa firefighters were able to save a dog trapped in a burning building last Thursday.

In a Friday Facebook post, TFR said their work continued earlier this week when they were called to a structure fire on 36th Avenue.
A house there was fully engulfed in flames and all its human occupants had escaped the building before firefighters arrived, but two dogs were still trapped inside.
Firefighters entered the burning home and located the dogs under a bed. The animals were unconscious, but rescue workers got them safely out of the house and were able to revive them outside.
It takes special dedication for firefighters and other public safety workers to brave the brutal heat the Tuscaloosa area has experienced this week, and even more to rush into a burning building in full kit to save a trapped animal and TFR has done it twice in the span of seven days.
Our hats are off to the men and women of the fire department for the lifesaving courage they demonstrated this week.
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