Penelope Besnoy, an eighth-grader at Tuscaloosa Magnet School- Middle, is the first recipient of the Rising Star Character Student of the Month for the month of February.
Adrian Gaspar-Felipe, a second-grader at Central Elementary School is the third recipient of the Rising Star Character Student of the Month for the month of January.
Two Tuscaloosa City elementary schools were designated as state schools of characters, joining 71 other schools across the nation to receive the distinction.
Brandon Austin, an eighth-grader at the Alberta School of Performing Arts, is the first January recipient of the Rising Star Character Student of the Month!
Orlandria Stewart is the second December recipient of the Rising Star Character Student of the Month, representing Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.
Evelyn Atkins, a fifth grader at Rock Quarry Elementary School, was surprised but proud when she was named a Rising Star Character Student of the Month Tuesday.