Tuscaloosa City Schools Extends Pre-K Application Window
The Tuscaloosa City Schools system has extended the window for families to apply for its Alabama First Class Pre-K program, giving parents more time to enroll their four-year-olds in early development programs across the city.
Applications will now be accepted until next Monday, March 8th, at 11 a.m.

A school spokeswoman said prospective students must be 4 years old on or before September 1 and must live within the zone of the school for which they are applying.
A random selection process will select from the pool of qualified applicants next Friday, and parents will be informed of a selection the following week.
The school system's Pre-K coordinator Diane Hilliker said spots remain open at several TCS facilities.
“While some schools already have a waiting list, the majority of TCS elementary schools have space available for students,” Hilliker said . “We encourage our TCS-zoned parents not to wait until the summer to try and register their four-year-olds for Pre K. Sign up today!”
Click here to apply online today.
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