TPD Reunites Dognapped Pooch Missing Since February with Owners
The Tuscaloosa Police Department on Thursday reunited a woman with her dognapped pet who has been missing since February.
According to a TPD Facebook post, Emily Sexton was "distraught" after her dog, Lucky, ran away at a local dog park months ago.
She immediately started posting on Facebook and putting up fliers, and that's when things got weird.
Sexton told police she soon began receiving text messages from an unknown number informing her that they had Lucky, that he was happy in his "new home" and mysterious texter would not be returning him.
A TPD spokesperson said officers were able to track the "'ghost' number the dognapper had created online in an attempt to harass [Sexton] anonymously."
Officers from the Criminal Investigations Division went to the home of the suspect on Thursday and retrieved Lucky, who has reunited with his owner shortly after.
At the moment, the Sexton family has not decided whether or not they want to press charges against the texter and told police they were just overjoyed to have Lucky back home.