Jaykwon Walton, an incoming Alabama Men's Basketball transferee, along with a Bessemer man were arrested Saturday night on marijuana charges following the annual A-Day scrimmage game.
The family of a man who died while in custody of the Walker County Sheriff's Office and a former employee of the jail have issued two separate lawsuits in an alleged cover-up of the case.
The intersection of McFarland Boulevard and 13th Street in Tuscaloosa briefly closed as officers attempted to capture a '"dangerous offender" Wednesday afternoon.
The officer-involved shooting that occurred following a crash on McFarland Boulevard and Veterans Memorial Parkway was the result of several domestic-related crimes, Tuscaloosa Violent Crimes Unit said Wednesday afternoon.
A former Fayette County probation officer was sentenced to 30 years in prison after he was convicted for custodial sexual misconduct and ethics violation charges.