Prayer Vigil Held to Honor Woman Who Died After Visiting WAWC
More than 100 people flocked to a prayer vigil at Tuscaloosa's Snow Hinton Park following an anti-abortion activist press conference in front of the West Alabama Women's Center Saturday, all sparked by the death of a woman who visited the clinic in May.
Over 100 men, women and children staged lawn chairs under a pavilion at the park, sang worship songs and heard prayers from guest speakers during the hourlong service.
The vigil featured several of the same speakers from the press conference at the women's clinic, including Alabama Sen. Gerald Allen, representatives from CEC for Life in Birmingham, Ashley Wright of Students for Life of America and Paul Lake, an activist with Pro-Life Tuscaloosa.
At the press conference earlier Saturday morning, speakers including Allen were calling for the Alabama Department of Public Health to conduct an investigation into the woman's death in may, although a police investigation at the time found no evidence of a criminal act and a separate investigation by the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners is already underway.
At the prayer vigil, though, outrage and condemnation softened to prayers for the Tuscaloosa community and its people. Many speakers also took time as a call to action to not let this story dwindle out.
"[The election] is gonna place a huge burden on this country if it doesn't happen the way we feel like it needs to happen," said Sen. Allen. "That's why it's important to pray that the Father in Heaven will grant our wishes, bring a moment in revival in this country."
Be sure and stay tuned to the Tuscaloosa Thread as new information about these investigations is made publicly available.

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