Police Identify Pedestrian Fatally Struck by Car in Northport, Alabama Sunday
Police in Northport have identified a pedestrian who died Sunday night after he was struck by a car on McFarland Boulevard.
Keith Carpenter, the assistant chief of the Northport Police Department, said the victim was trying to cross McFarland Boulevard West near its intersection with Lurleen Wallace Boulevard around 6:15 Sunday evening.

The pedestrian, 24-year-old Van Ling Thang, was struck by a 2008 Ford Explorer being driven by a Northport man not far from the Wendy's fast-food restaurant on McFarland.
Thang suffered critical, life-threatening injuries and was rushed to DCH Regional Medical Center in Tuscaloosa in a Northstar ambulance, Carpenter said.
Thang, who was from Indianapolis, Indiana, did not survive the night and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Police and other first responders closed the westbound lanes of the busy thoroughfare for several hours Thursday night to try to determine the exact circumstances of the collision, and Carpenter said that investigation is ongoing, conducted by the police department's Traffic Reconstruction Unit.
Stay connected to the Tuscaloosa Thread for updates on this case if and when they become available.
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