Northport Mayor Recommends Creation of Public Transit System
Northport Mayor Bobby Herndon said the city of Northport should considering adding a public transit system during Monday night's City Council meeting.
Mayor Herndon said he would like for the staff "in the very near future" to check into adding public transportation and said they may need to hire outside consultants to see if a transit system would be a benefit for citizens of Northport.

The mayor said the addition may be worth investigating to see if "it is worth the city's while" to add the system. He cited the concerns of citizens who lack accessibility to employment because they do not have reliable transportation.
"I know there's a lot of folks that are having difficulty getting to jobs and a lot of folks are saying they don't have the transportation to get there," Herndon said.
Herndon said because of the growth of the city, Northport should consider the addition, contingent on if the city can afford to support the addition.
"I think a transit system for the city of Northport is something that needs to be planned on for the future. The rate of our growth is unbelievable and we've got to adapt every way we can," Herndon said.
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