Tuscaloosa Los Tarascos Searching for Customer Caught on Camera Stealing Tip Jar
The operators of Los Tarascos Mexican restaurant are looking for the person responsible for stealing their hostesses' tip jar on Monday.

According to a Facebook post from Los Tarascos Northport, the incident occurred at the Skyland Boulevard location where a man wearing an orange beanie and a hoodie was seen on surveillance cameras paying for his meal before taking the tip jar and leaving the restaurant.
"You gotta [sic] be quicker than that next time sir, because if you broke just say that, we coulda [sic] had you wash some dishes for the night or something," the post read.
The post has received over 32,000 views on Facebook, with hopes the responsible person will return the tip jar.
"We'd appreciate if you brought back our girls' hard-earned money," the post said.
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