Hillcrest High School Senior Awarded Free Year of Tuition at Shelton State
A Tuscaloosa senior will attend Shelton State Community College for one year, free of charge, courtesy of a scholarship awarded at the World of Works Expo event.
According to a release from West Alabama Works, Savannah Kelley, a senior at Hilllcrest High School, was presented with the scholarship Monday at the Tuscaloosa County School System's Board meeting.

According to the release, each year, students who attend the Worlds of Work event are entered into a raffle to win free a semester of tuition at Shelton State or Bevill State Community College.
After winning the raffle, Kelley decided to attend Shelton and follow the footsteps of her parents, who both studied there.
Dr. Chris Cox, president of Shelton State, attended the presentation and extended the scholarship from one semester to a full year of free tuition.
The release stated Kelley plans to enroll in Shelton's healthcare program to pursue a degree in nursing.
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