Gunfire Near Cook Out Draws Tuscaloosa Police to 15th Street
Gunfire near the Cook Out fast food restaurant on 15th Street in Tuscaloosa drew a heavy police presence Sunday afternoon, although no injuries have been reported after the incident.
A Tuscaloosa Police Department spokesperson confirmed that officers were called to the area after witnesses reported a gunman firing at least one shot at a car pulling out of the University Downs apartment complex next to the restaurant.
A spokesperson for the Downs said the vehicle in question approached their front gate but was turned away by security staff and has no one involved has any affiliation with the apartment complex.
As of 4:30 Sunday, no injuries have been reported.
TPD has turned the case over to the multi-agency Violent Crimes Unit, which investigates almost all gun crimes in Tuscaloosa County.
Stay connected to the Tuscaloosa Thread for more details as they become available, and see the information TPD shared to Facebook below for what we know so far.

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