Coach Saban Pleased with the First Scrimmage of the Season
This evening Alabama head coach Nick Saban had a press conference to discuss the first scrimmage of the season. He seemed to have a positive attitude towards the way the team played.
Saban mentioned he was “sort of pleased with the intensity out there." He went on to say, “We got a lot of young guys playing a lot of positions, so I'm sure this first experience out there is going to help them be able to sort of do exactly what I said, you know, find out where they are, what they have to do, what they need to learn, and how they can go out there and play with more confidence because they have a better understanding of what to do, how to do it, why it's important to do it that way."

A topic Alabama fans love to talk about is Bryce Young. Many love to debate whether or not he will start this upcoming season.
Saban mentioned that Young did, “a good job of managing the whole situation on offense.” Saban also pointed several times that this is a very young team and he was not ready to start “singling out any of the young guys that were outstanding.”
As for receivers- Slade Bolden was brought up. Bolden will definitely be a leader in this area, considering the rest of the guys are young.
Saban explained that “really other than Slade, not a whole lot of experience.” When asked about the younger receivers he said, “for me to single out somebody that I thought was outstanding today, I'm not really ready to do that.” For offense, it is the same type of situation, we are seeing a lot of young players. The only starter returning on offense is Evan Neal. With that being said, Saban explained “So I see a lot of good potential that we need to work on and improve.”
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