‘One Union, One Voice:’ Thousands Attend Rally in Support of Striking Coal Miners in Brookwood, Alabama
Cheers reverberated through a packed crowd at the Brookwood Ball Field Wednesday as thousands of union members gathered to show their support for striking Warrior Met Coal Miners.
"One Union! One Voice!" was the call and response for coal miners, auto workers, and union representatives alike at the 'Justice at Warrior Met' rally.

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Coal miners have been striking against unfair labor practices since April and as the strike enters its fourth month, miners are no closer to reaching a new contract with Warrior Met Coal.
LOOK: Thousands Gather to Support Striking Brookwood Coal Miners
UMWA Members are seeking better wages, paid time off and an improvement in their benefits package after voluntarily giving up these things to help Jim Walter Resources through its 2015 bankruptcy.
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Do You Remember the Cotton Patch in Eutaw, Alabama?
This legendary restaurant has been closed for almost 12 years and yet it still lives in the memory of locals, UA students, and travelers alike. The Cotton Patch served everyone from Bear Bryant and Joe Namath to Hank Williams himself.
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