Beat Auburn Beat Hunger Launches Thursday With a New Look

The 27th Annual Beat Auburn Beat Hunger Food Drive is gearing up for another but albeit different competition in 2020.
The event, which has donated over 260,000 pounds of food to the West Alabama Food Bank over the past three years, is making some changes due to COVID-19.
"In years past we had barrels stationed around campus to collect canned goods to donate towards the West Alabama Food Bank," Vice President of Marketing for BABH Jenny Keogh said. "But this year we're only having barrels placed with our off-campus partners, and we will have posters around campus with a QR code that will link to our cause box where you can make monetary donations."
Keogh said that the organization has not confirmed where the off-campus donation barrels are going to be yet but said that they will most likely be at local schools, churches and local community partners.
According to a Wednesday press release, all food and monetary donations will benefit the West Alabama Food Bank which serves nine counties: Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marion, Pickens and Sumter.
On Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m., BABH organizers will be at the Ferguson Student Center giving out information about this year's event.
"With everything being so fluid, changing and evolving quickly with COVID-19, staying up to date with us on social media is the best way to see any updates and changes that we have throughout the drive," Keogh said.
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