ALDOT Wants Input on Improving One of Northport’s Worst Intersections
The Alabama Department of Transportation wants public input on what can be done to improve one of the worst intersections in Northport, the state agency announced Monday.
John McWilliams, a spokesperson for ALDOT in west Alabama, said they will host a come-and-go public meeting next Monday, September 25th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Northport Civic Center at at 3500 McFarland Boulevard.
The location will be convenient - the municipal complex occupies one of the corners of the intersection in question.

McWilliams said around 59,000 people use the intersection of U.S. Highway 82 and Highway 43 in Northport daily.
Traffic piles up there regularly, and ALDOT said they are seeing to improve both traffic flow and public safety with a potential project there that could include new turn lanes and an additional through lane to head north on Highway 43.
If you can't make it to the meeting, ALDOT is also acting comments submitted online at www.ALDOTinvolved.com, via emails submitted to us82-improvements.dot.state.al.us, on the phone at 205-507-4463 or in the mail.
Letters can be sent to ALDOT's West Central Region Office at 204 Marina Drive, Suite 100, Tuscaloosa AL 35406.
The road improvement project is currently expected to begin in late 2024 and will take approximately two years, weather permitting.
For more updates from ALDOT and the city of Northport, stay connected to the Tuscaloosa Thread.
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