UA Panhellenic Trick-or-Treat on Sorority Row Canceled
The annual Trick-or-Treat drive on UA's Sorority Row has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The family event hosted by the Alabama Panhellenic Association typically draws hundreds of parents and kids under 12 years old to parade up and down campus, with sorority houses handing out candy all night.
However, with negative attention the University of Alabama has received for crowded bars and spikes in positive cases, it seemed most responsible to cancel the event to ensure the community's safety, as Bekkah Logan, Director of Public Relations for UA's Panhellenic Association, told WVUA 23.

"We were really looking forward to engaging with the community for a fun Halloween celebration. However, due to COVID-19, we felt it would be in everyone’s best interests to cancel this year’s event," Logan said.
This decision comes just months after photos went viral showing massive Bid Day crowds lined up outside of bars along The Strip, not adhering to the mask mandate.
UA Panhellenic's other upcoming events are canceled as well, notably the Holly Jolly Holiday event, as well as the spring Easter Egg Hunt.
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