$350K Worth of Improvements on the Way for Bowers Park Pool in Tuscaloosa, AL
As reported by the Thread in November 2021, the Tuscaloosa Park & Recreation Authority (PARA) Executive Director, Gary Minor asked the “asked the Commission to consider a $270,000 allocation to repair the Olympic-size swimming pool in the facility. The pool was originally built in the 1990s and now requires a new liner and additional lighting for night.”
The Bowers Park Pool did not operate during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Then in April 2021, PARA announced the summer opening scheduled that it would open all of its pools and splash pads except for the Bowers Park Pool location.

Now, the City of Tuscaloosa has approved $350,000 worth of funding to assist with important improvements for the Bowers Park pool with the hopes of opening by Memorial Day. The decision was made by the Tuscaloosa City Council on Tuesday, January 11, 2022.
With the news of a possible Memorial Day opening of the Bowers Park Pool, locals are excited.
Becky Booker, the Public Relations and Marketing Manager for PARA said that “the pool at Nancie Blewitt Swim Complex in Bowers Park has been the site where innumerable youth and adults have enjoyed swimming and/or learned to swim over its 30+ year history. PARA is appreciative to the City of Tuscaloosa for providing monies for necessary repairs and will work diligently to have the pool open for use for the summer season.”
Bowers Park also offers the Jerry Belk Activity Center, Ball Field Complex, Shelters, Park Trail, Disc Golf, Outdoor Tennis Courts, and more.
(Source) For more from the City of Tuscaloosa, click here. For more about Bowers Park, click here.
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