DCH Health System Offering Third Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
West Alabama residents can now get a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at DCH Health System's remote vaccination clinic.
The FDA recently recommended a third dose of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines among immunocompromised individuals, and DCH will offer the booster shots beginning Friday, August 20th.
"DCH only offers the Pfizer vaccine, and the booster can only be given 28 days or more after the second dose, or 90 days or more since receiving convalescent plasma or monoclonal therapy. If you received Moderna, you will need to go to a clinic that administers the Moderna vaccine to receive your booster," the provider said in a recent update.
Those who feel they are eligible for the third shot must present proof of their previous inoculation and sign a document self-attesting to their eligibility.
Vaccination appointments are available Fridays between 7 a.m. and 5:50 p.m. for those over the age of 12. Additional information may be found here.