A brilliant and kind fifth grader was celebrated by her classmates for the example she sets during a spirited pep rally at Tuscaloosa's Verner Elementary School last week.
Tuscaloosa City Schools are once again expanding their dual enrollment scholarship program, offering high school students the opportunity to earn more college credits than ever before at no cost.
Each of the 18 libraries in Tuscaloosa City Schools received thousands of dollars in grant funding this week to put toward buying new books, system leadership announced Thursday.
Some layoffs are likely to come to Tuscaloosa City Schools without new revenue from a proposed property tax increase, administrators told local media last week.
The Tuscaloosa City School board has voted unanimously to request a special election asking citizens to invest more money in education by raising property taxes for the first time in almost 40 years.
Leadership in Tuscaloosa City Schools have identified what stakeholders want them to prioritize in the years to come - now they have to find funding to both continue and enhance those initiatives.
The city of Tuscaloosa's investment in educating its children was recognized as among the best in the nation this week with a prestigious award that comes with a $10,000 grant.
Leaders are asking residents to speak up this week at a trio of community input sessions to guide the goals and financial priorities of Tuscaloosa City Schools.