City leaders gathered in a breathtaking new public space on the banks of the Black Warrior River Thursday to celebrate the grand opening of Tuscaloosa's Western Riverwalk.
Elected officials and other city staff gathered in Tuscaloosa Friday to break ground on the new and improved Kaulton Park, which will modernize a resource used by West End residents for decades.
The city of Tuscaloosa has renamed the still-new River District Park in honor of local businessmen and philanthropists who have long led the local towboat industry.
Leaders gathered in West Tuscaloosa Tuesday to break ground on the new $12 million Benjamin Barnes YMCA after a decade of delays and debates about the facility's future.
Leaders from Tuscaloosa and the area's park and recreation association gathered at Sokol Park North to celebrate the completion of practical but needed upgrades to parking, traffic and drainage there.
The city of Tuscaloosa will soon decide whether to spend $10 million to significantly upgrade Snow Hinton Park on McFarland Boulevard near Midtown Village.
Mayor Walk Maddox, members of the Tuscaloosa City Council and area leaders gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Western Riverwalk Expansion, an ELEVATE Tuscaloosa project.
The Tuscaloosa Police Department's Air Patrol Division has a new hangar facility, which was provided through ELEVATE Tuscaloosa funds from the City of Tuscaloosa.
Tuscaloosa City Schools students can now earn 18 hours of college credit at Shelton State Community College free of charge, area leaders announced Tuesday.
River District Park, a new amenity funded by the Elevate Tuscaloosa tax plan, is open to the public in downtown Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox announced Friday evening.