Inspired by a notable holiday movie, Dr. LaTanya Williams-Collins, principal at Martin L. King, Jr. Elementary, kicked off the holiday season by providing every student in her school with a Christmas present Thursday afternoon.
The search to find the perfect live Christmas tree to celebrate the holidays is on, and several vendors in West Alabama are offering choice conifers right now.
The grand marshals for the 46th Annual West Alabama Chirstmas Parade were announce Monday in a release from the Tuscaloosa County Parks and Recreation Authority.
One Tuscaloosa woman is spreading Christmas cheer in a particularly unique way: by dressing up in a full-body Grinch costume and popping up all around town.
Hundreds gathered along Greensboro Avenue in Tuscaloosa Monday nigh to watch 45th Annual West Alabama Christmas Parade. Check out a gallery of some of the best floats, costumes, and more.
One Tuscaloosa resident invites you to start the Christmas season off right and visit his massive, free Christmas light yard show, which features 20,000 Christmas lights synced to 15 songs.