Bank Error Delays Pay for Some University of Alabama Employees
Some University of Alabama employees were not paid on time Friday thanks to a banking issue they expected to be resolved today.
A spokesperson for the University told the Thread that the error was not on UA's end.

"An unexpected issue with UA’s vendor bank delayed direct deposits this morning for employees paid bi-weekly, they said. "The University provided payroll information to its vendor bank as usual on Wednesday. The bank is currently working diligently to resolve this unexpected issue, which the bank has indicated will be today. Affected employees and their supervisors have been notified and will be kept informed."
UPDATE: A University spokesperson said the issue had been resolved for affected employees be 4;45 Friday afternoon.
For more on the issue as it develops and is hopefully resolved, stay connected to the Tuscaloosa Thread.
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Gallery Credit: (Stephen Dethrage | Tuscaloosa Thread)
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